There are a number of other tools that can perform similar tasks to the manual post-hole auger.
Digging bars
Digging bars have a point at one end and a flat chisel at the other. Both ends can be rammed into the earth to break up hard or rocky ground making it easier to shovel soil out of the hole.
Post-hole digger
Post-hole diggers have two handles which clamp together two curved shovel blades inside a hole, picking up soil and allowing it to be brought out of the hole. These are usually used with digging bars.
Fencing spade
A fencing spade is a narrow-bladed spade used to cut narrow, deep holes for fence posts. Used in the same way as a normal spade, it cuts into the ground breaking off chunks of earth that can be shovelled from the hole.
Manual ice auger
Manual ice augers are very similar to manual post-hole augers but have sharp, serrated blades on the tip of the auger which allow it to slice through the ice to make a hole. They are very common in cold, arctic countries where they are used to make holes to fish through.
Powered augers
Post-hole augers can be powered by a portable power tool or larger machine. These dig neat holes faster and with less effort than manual post-hole augers but they do require a power source to use or recharge them and are quite an investment if you only need to dig a few holes.