Below are some guidelines for using a brick jointer.
Please note – Wonkee Donkee will always refer to the joint as horizontal or vertical for simplicity. If you want to read any further information about brick jointing, then you should be aware of the multiple names used to describe these directions.
Step 1 – Guide and smooth
Guide the back of the tool along the mortar joint between your bricks, as shown in the picture (left).
Use the curved portion of the tool to smooth out the mortar joint.
You may wish to practice your jointing technique on a small or less-noticeable area of wall first.
Step 2 – Work your way down
Start at the top of the wall and work downward, so that falling dust and debris does not affect your freshly-jointed work.
Don’t cut corners
Notice extra care has been taken when corners are reached so that the mortar joins up neatly and the regular curvature is maintained.
Don’t joint vertically over horizontally
You should not use a jointing tool to create a straight join vertically across horizontal joints.
Joint internal angles alternatively
Internal angle joints should be formed alternately from the left and right across the vertical join. The direction should alternate as you move down the wall; this will ensure the longevity of the mortar in an area prone to running water.
The mortar joint should allow moisture to evaporate through the softer mortar joints rather than through the brick.
Tooled mortar joints prevent ‘spalling’ (moisture entering brick, causing the surface to peel, flake or pop out). If joints are not tooled correctly the moisture and salt from the rain enters the brick rather than evaporating through the mortar joints, causing crumbling of the brick and possibly damaging structures.
Step 3 – Check each line is level
Throughout construction, make sure each line of brick is even using a spirit level, this ensures the joints between them are also even.
Step 4 – Vertical first
Joint vertical joints first.
These may also be referred to as: ‘head joints’, ‘perpendicular joints’, ‘end joints’ or ‘cross joints’.
Step 5 – Horizontal second
Joint horizontal joints second.
These may also be referred to as: ‘bed joints’.
Step 6 – Remove excess mortar
Cut off excess mortar with a trowel. Cutting of excess mortar prevents it drying on the surface of the wall.
Step 7 – Brush brickwork
Brush the brickwork after jointing using a soft brush or broom. This is a useful exercise to get rid of rough edges or any bits of mortar lying on the wall.
Wipe away any excess mortar and finish smoothing the joint